刨子將木條打磨成筷子大小。(李丹璐 攝)
刨出的木花兒也是很美的小卷兒。(李丹璐 攝)
捶打核桃油。(李丹璐 攝)
手工制筷的工具。(李丹璐 攝)
金洪竹用砂紙打磨木筷。(李丹璐 攝)
看看手工制筷的成品如何?(李丹璐 攝)
Not as elegant as movable type printing, to make your own chopsticks with traditional carpentry tool, you have to put all your strength in every step - planing and polishing the wood, ramming the walnut oil. Can you imagine that? Even a simple pair of chopsticks needs to be put through the mill and then becomes usable.